‘I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.’
Sandhya Singh is a women’s safety activist, entrepreneur, financial and business director at Purple Wave, philanthropist, NGO founder- Durga Saptashti, and compassionate leader. She has devoted her life to children’s education, women empowerment, kids’ safety and health nutrition in Dwarka, Delhi.
Sandhya Singh’s corporate experiences and life’s journey have helped her in discovering her true-innate self. She believes her purpose in life is to uplift less-privileged people and help them become self-reliant. She stresses that when a woman is empowered and free from fear, she can do extraordinary work and make a difference in her life and the lives of others.
That is why, she frequently organises self-defence camps, skill-training camps, and awareness drives for women’s safety in Delhi, with the help of her NGO- Durga Saptashti volunteers.
Other issues she strongly feels about are- kids’ safety, education, and health. Sandhya envisions an empowered Indian society. Hence, she focuses on making education and basic healthcare accessible to all children- the future of our country.
In the last couple of years, she has single-handedly organized education camps, food donation drives, and health and hygiene camps for economically backward children in Dwarka.
According to the large population of India, the segment of children she is helping is maybe a tiny fraction. But, she believes in contributing and making a difference because each ripple (little effort!) counts.