Violence against women is a global epidemic. It is prevalent in every country, culture, and socioeconomic group.
Overview of the problem:
Violence against women can take many forms, such as domestic abuse, trafficking, sexual assault, female genital mutilation, femicide (the killing of females), and honour killings. It is not only a human rights issue but also has serious public health implications for the victims and society- as a whole. The United Nations estimates that 1 in 3 women globally experience some form of physical and/or sexual abuse by their partner. Violence against women can also be seen outside the home; reports state that 1 in 5 girls get sexually harassed before they reach the age of 18.
That’s why NGOs dedicated to women’s safety have become a necessity in highly-populated metropolitan cities like Delhi.
How is Sandhya Singh making a change?
Sandhya is committed to taking on India’s deeply-rooted attitudes about gender discrimination and inequality through her work with the NGO she founded in Dwarka- Durga Saptashti. Her NGO is dedicated to uplifting and improving the condition of socio-economically and disadvantaged women in Delhi.
Her women’s safety and empowerment initiatives include self-defence camps for women and young girls in Dwarka, skill-training centres, social protests for advocating women’s rights, providing free education, spreading awareness amongst young girls regarding their bodies, and encouraging them to raise their voices against ill advances.